tumblr nsfw

tumblr nsfw settings over the years

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Definition of Tumblr NSFW
  3. Tumblr NSFW in 2013
    • Increase in NSFW Content
    • Popularity and Controversies
  4. Tumblr NSFW Ban in 2018
    • Reasons behind the Ban
    • Impact on the Tumblr Community
  5. Tumblr NSFW Alternatives
    • Rise of Other Platforms
    • Migration of NSFW Content Creators
  6. The Evolution of Tumblr NSFW from 2018 to 2023
    • Policy Changes and Adjustments
    • Community Guidelines and Moderation
  7. Present State of Tumblr NSFW
    • NSFW Content and Community
    • User Experience and Engagement
  8. Future Outlook for Tumblr NSFW
    • Potential Changes and Developments
    • User Expectations and Concerns
  9. Conclusion
  10. FAQs


In this article, we will explore the evolution of Tumblr NSFW from 2013 to 2023. We will delve into the definition of Tumblr NSFW and its significance within the platform. Additionally, we will examine the changes and controversies surrounding NSFW content on Tumblr throughout the years, including the 2018 ban and its subsequent impact. Furthermore, we will discuss the alternatives that emerged after the ban and the current state of Tumblr NSFW. Finally, we will speculate on the future outlook for Tumblr NSFW, taking into account potential changes and user expectations.

Definition of Tumblr NSFW

Tumblr NSFW refers to Not Safe for Work content on the Tumblr platform. NSFW content typically includes explicit or adult-oriented material, such as nudity, sexual content, or graphic violence. Users often tag their posts as NSFW to warn others about the explicit nature of the content.


tumblr nsfw


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Tumblr NSFW in 2013

Increase in NSFW Content

In 2013, Tumblr experienced a significant increase in NSFW content. This rise was partly due to the platform’s open and inclusive nature, which allowed users to freely express their creativity and explore diverse topics. Many artists, photographers, and writers found Tumblr as a suitable platform to share their work, including NSFW creations.

Popularity and Controversies

The growing popularity of Tumblr NSFW content led to several controversies. While some users embraced the freedom of expression, others criticized the presence of explicit material on the platform. Tumblr faced challenges in balancing the diverse interests of its user base, leading to ongoing debates about content moderation and guidelines.

Tumblr NSFW Ban in 2018

Reasons behind the Ban

In December 2018, Tumblr implemented a ban on all NSFW content. The decision came as a response to concerns regarding the presence of explicit material, including underage content and non-consensual pornography. Tumblr aimed to create a safer environment and comply with stricter regulations.

Impact on the Tumblr Community

The NSFW ban had a significant impact on the Tumblr community. Many NSFW content creators and consumers felt marginalized and displaced. The ban prompted a migration of users to other platforms that allowed explicit content. Tumblr faced criticism for its handling of the situation and the perceived loss of its unique creative community.

Tumblr NSFW Alternatives

Rise of Other Platforms

Following the NSFW ban on Tumblr, various alternative platforms emerged to cater to the NSFW community. Websites such as NewTumbl, Sharesome, and Pillowfort gained traction as alternatives where users could freely share and explore NSFW content. These platforms aimed to provide a similar sense of creative freedom and community as Tumblr did before the ban.

Migration of NSFW Content Creators

The ban on Tumblr NSFW content led to a significant migration of content creators to other platforms. Artists, writers, and photographers sought new avenues to share their work and connect with their audience. The exodus of NSFW content creators had a considerable impact on the diversity and vibrancy of the Tumblr community.


On Tumblr, users can post a wide variety of content to express themselves and engage with others. Here are some common types of posts that can be shared on Tumblr:

  1. Text Posts: Users can create and share text-based posts, including thoughts, opinions, stories, quotes, and conversations.
  2. Photos and Images: Tumblr allows users to upload and share photos, images, illustrations, and artwork. This makes it a popular platform for photographers and artists.
  3. GIFs: Tumblr has a strong GIF culture, and users can create or share animated GIFs to convey emotions, reactions, or showcase creative content.
  4. Videos: Users can upload and share videos on Tumblr, ranging from personal vlogs to short films, music videos, or animations.
  5. Audio: Tumblr supports audio posts, allowing users to share music, podcasts, sound clips, or spoken-word recordings.
  6. Quotes: Users can post quotes they find inspiring, thought-provoking, or relatable, often accompanied by relevant images or backgrounds.
  7. Links: Tumblr users can share links to external websites, articles, blog posts, videos, or other online content they find interesting or want to share with their followers.
  8. Chat Conversations: Tumblr’s messaging feature enables users to share chat conversations, typically in a screenshot format, highlighting interesting or humorous discussions.
  9. Reblogs: Reblogging is a fundamental feature of Tumblr. Users can reblog posts from other users, adding their own commentary or appreciation, and sharing the content with their own followers.
  10. Fan Art and Fandom Content: Tumblr has a strong presence of fan communities, and users often share fan art, fanfiction, theories, and discussions related to their favorite movies, TV shows, books, or celebrities.

These are just some examples of the types of posts that can be shared on Tumblr. The platform encourages creativity, self-expression, and the exploration of various interests and topics.



The Evolution of Tumblr NSFW from 2018 to 2023

Policy Changes and Adjustments

After the initial NSFW ban, Tumblr made several policy changes and adjustments to address user concerns and improve content moderation. The platform introduced more nuanced guidelines and enhanced automated systems to detect and filter explicit content. These changes aimed to strike a balance between maintaining a safe environment and allowing creative expression.

Community Guidelines and Moderation

Tumblr also focused on improving its community guidelines and moderation practices. The platform encouraged users to report inappropriate content and actively moderated flagged posts. Additionally, Tumblr implemented measures to prevent the spread of non-consensual or harmful material, ensuring a more positive user experience.

Present State of Tumblr NSFW

NSFW Content and Community

Currently, NSFW content still exists on Tumblr, albeit with stricter moderation and guidelines. Users can access NSFW material by adjusting their account settings and age verification. The NSFW community on Tumblr continues to engage with each other through tags, reblogs, and mutual interests.

User Experience and Engagement

The present user experience on Tumblr NSFW is a balance between the desire for creative freedom and the need for responsible content moderation. The platform aims to provide a safe space for NSFW creators and consumers while preventing the circulation of harmful or non-consensual material. User engagement and interaction within the NSFW community remain an integral part of the Tumblr experience.

Future Outlook for Tumblr NSFW

Potential Changes and Developments

Looking ahead, Tumblr NSFW might undergo further changes and developments. The platform may continue to refine its content moderation policies, taking into account user feedback and evolving societal norms. Tumblr might explore new features to enhance the NSFW experience, such as improved content discovery or community-building tools.

User Expectations and Concerns

Users of Tumblr NSFW have varying expectations and concerns for the future. Some hope for increased flexibility and less restrictive policies, while others prioritize a safe and respectful environment. Tumblr will need to navigate these expectations while ensuring the platform remains attractive to both NSFW content creators and consumers.


As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Tumblr has implemented stricter guidelines and moderation for NSFW (Not Safe for Work) content. These measures were put in place after the NSFW content ban in 2018 and subsequent adjustments to the platform’s policies.

The current NSFW settings on Tumblr allow users to control their exposure to explicit or adult-oriented material. Here is an explanation of the typical NSFW settings on Tumblr:

  1. Age Restriction: Tumblr requires users to be at least 18 years old to view NSFW content. When creating an account, users are asked to provide their date of birth, and those who are under 18 are restricted from accessing NSFW material.
  2. Safe Mode: Tumblr has a Safe Mode feature that filters and hides NSFW content from users who have it enabled. Safe Mode is turned on by default for all users, especially those who are under 18. To view NSFW content, users need to disable Safe Mode in their account settings.
  3. NSFW Content Flagging: Users can flag their own posts as NSFW when they contain explicit or adult-oriented material. This helps provide a warning to other users before they view the content. Additionally, Tumblr’s automated systems and user reports help flag NSFW content for moderation purposes.
  4. Age Verification: Tumblr has implemented an age verification process for users who wish to view NSFW content. This process may require users to provide additional verification, such as a credit card or government-issued ID, to confirm their age and lift the restrictions on NSFW content.

It’s important to note that Tumblr’s policies and settings regarding NSFW content may evolve over time, so it’s recommended to visit the Tumblr website or refer to their official documentation for the most up-to-date information on NSFW settings.

Please keep in mind that my knowledge is based on information available up until September 2021, and there may have been changes to Tumblr’s NSFW settings since then. It’s always best to refer to official sources for the most accurate and current information.



  1. Artistic Expression: Tumblr has been known as a platform that fosters artistic expression, and this could extend to NSFW content. Artists may continue to use Tumblr to share their erotic art, photography, illustrations, or creative projects that explore themes of sexuality and sensuality.
  2. Adult Content Communities: Tumblr has traditionally been a hub for various adult content communities, where people with shared interests connect and interact. These communities might still thrive in 2023, allowing individuals to find like-minded individuals, share content, and engage in discussions.
  3. Personal Blogs: Tumblr allows users to create personal blogs where they can express their thoughts, experiences, and fantasies, including NSFW content. Individuals may continue to use Tumblr as a platform for personal storytelling, diaries, or sharing their sexual exploration journeys.
  4. Erotic Writing and Fanfiction: Tumblr has been popular for sharing written content, including erotic stories and fanfiction. In 2023, users may continue to utilize Tumblr to publish and engage with erotic literature, exploring various genres, characters, and fantasies.
  5. NSFW Communities and Events: Tumblr has been a platform for organizing and promoting NSFW events, such as art exhibitions, conventions, or meetups. In 2023, NSFW communities may continue to utilize Tumblr to connect, plan, and advertise these gatherings.

It’s important to note that Tumblr’s policies and guidelines for NSFW content may continue to evolve in response to user feedback and changing societal norms. Users are encouraged to familiarize themselves with Tumblr’s current guidelines and settings to ensure compliance with the platform’s rules.



The evolution of Tumblr NSFW from 2013 to 2023 reflects the complex relationship between creative expression, community dynamics, and responsible content moderation. Despite the challenges faced, Tumblr continues to be a significant platform for NSFW content, albeit with changes in policies and guidelines. The future of Tumblr NSFW will be shaped by the platform’s ability to strike a balance between freedom of expression and the protection of its users.


1. Can I still find NSFW content on Tumblr? Yes, NSFW content is still accessible on Tumblr, but it is subject to stricter moderation and guidelines. Users can adjust their account settings and verify their age to access NSFW material.

2. Why did Tumblr ban NSFW content in 2018? The ban on NSFW content in 2018 was implemented to address concerns regarding underage content and non-consensual pornography. Tumblr aimed to create a safer environment and comply with stricter regulations.

3. Are there alternatives to Tumblr for NSFW content? Yes, several alternative platforms have emerged to cater to the NSFW community after the Tumblr ban. Platforms such as NewTumbl, Sharesome, and Pillowfort provide spaces for users to share and explore explicit content.

4. How has the Tumblr NSFW community changed since the ban? The NSFW ban led to a migration of content creators toother platforms, resulting in a shift in the Tumblr NSFW community. However, NSFW content still exists on Tumblr, albeit with stricter guidelines and moderation.

5. What can we expect for the future of Tumblr NSFW? The future of Tumblr NSFW may involve further refinements to content moderation policies and potential new features to enhance the NSFW experience. The platform will need to navigate user expectations and concerns while maintaining a balance between creative expression and user safety.

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